Reverend Nagase’s speech at our vigiil on 11 March 2015


Governments spend trillions of pounds on nuclear weapons, when nobody can wear nuclear weapons, nobody can eat nuclear weapons, nobody can live in nuclear weapons.

To produce and maintain nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants were developed. The world’s first mercantile, industrial-scale nuclear power plant was built at Calder Hall,* Lake District, in the UK. A peaceful future for children demands all nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants be abolished.

The creation of peace should be the objective of our countries, the objective of humanity. There is no way to create peace other than through the elimination of conflict and strife. All instruments of war, which hamper the realisation of genuine peace, must be removed.

Japan is also called the state of Yamato. Yamato, in Japanese characters, signifies “big harmony”. Great harmony … this is the heart of Yamato. Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution is truly the heart of the Yamato of Shikishima, which could bring a great harmony of peace to the entire world.

We fervently observe Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution – the fruit of the sacrifices made by our ancestors.

To look up to heaven, prostrate ourselves upon the earth.

Let us pray and walk together for a peaceful future free of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy.

With palms together in prayer,

Rev. G. Nagase.

*NOTE: The world’s first nuclear power plant was the reactor at Obninsk, in the Soviet Union. A 5MWe reactor, it was built in 1954 and connected to a public supply.

The world’s first industrial-scale nuclear power plant, consisting of four 60-MWe reactors, was built in Calder Hall, Lake District, in 1956.

Rev. N_Calder Hall

Reverend Nagase’s speech at our vigiil on 11 March 2015

Ian Fairlie talk 7pm tonight: Why Nuclear Is Not The Answer To Climate Change


a talk by Dr Ian Fairlie

with discussion and questions afterwards

Ian is an independent consultant on radioactivity in the

Wednesday March 18, 2015


Granville Community Kitchen, Granville Plus Centre, 80 Granville Road, Kilburn, London NW6 5RA

Google street view of Granville Road entrance here:,-0.19781,3a,90y,182.98h,90.76t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sud-pezZgXfJd1IwZieK33Q!2e0

Google street view of Carlton Vale entrance here:,-0.197652,3a,75y,9.14h,87.99t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s5KbmoK8F5jI_0VvHojpY-g!2e0

nearest tube: Queens Park or Kilburn Park


please RSVP if  you would like to attend so we can have an idea of numbers:

Ian Fairlie talk 7pm tonight: Why Nuclear Is Not The Answer To Climate Change

From Fukushima to Hinkley Conference 5 March 2015: information re presentations

This conference was held in London on 5th March 2015. The event was hosted by Green MEP Molly Scott Cato and three other Green MEPs: Rebecca Harms, Claude Turmes and Michel Reimon.

The conference brought together experts from all over the world to discuss the impacts of Fukushima and nuclear power on Europe in light of the recent decision of the European Commission to allow the UK government to heavily subsidise a new nuclear reactor at Hinkley Point C.

Listed below is brief information about the main speakers at the conference and links to presentations in pdf format where relevant. If you would like a Power Point version of any of the presentations please contact us.

From Fukushima to Hinkley Conference 5 March 2015: information re presentations